Conveyor belting is a valuable material which CRGI uses to fashion a variety of products. The versatility and durability of conveyor belting makes it useful for manufacturing products which service a variety of applications, including pads for equipment, machine skirting, truck bed liners, dock bumpers, mud flaps, snow plow blade deflectors, flooring and matting, and die cut products, including gaskets.
CRGI purchases both new and used conveyor belting and processes it into a variety of second-generation products. We purchase conveyor belting of different plies, widths, and construction types, including solid woven, PVC, and steel cord belt. These various types of conveyor belting lend themselves to manufacturing repurposed products that are customized for specific applications.
The strong construction and durability of conveyor belting makes it an ideal material for re-fashioning products suitable for heavier uses. Conveyor belt is typically much stronger than other rubber materials of similar thickness. Products which CRGI re-manufactures from conveyor belting are extremely durable and long-lasting, and offer excellent value-for-money.
When fashioning products from conveyor belting, CRGI uses belting of a variety of widths and thicknesses. We work with belting from 24” to 72” in width, and from ¼” to 1”+ thickness. Much of the conveyor belting we use to fabricate products is multi-ply in construction. Multi-ply belting offers a particular advantage in that the multiple layers of the belt prevent any punctures in remanufactured products from propagating.
Combining the tough properties of conveyor belting with advanced manufacturing processes allows CRGI to continuously innovate new products. We are able to work with conveyor belting in our CNC controlled equipment to create precision-cut goods, or use our custom fabrication processes to fashion products especially tailored for novel and unique applications.
To find out more about how CRGI can help address your needs with products fabricated from conveyor belting, contact our sales department at